What can we use to improve our Oral Health? 

What kind of Toothpaste and Toothbrush should I use?

          You know it’s time to buy a new Toothbrush when the bristles are worn or it has been about 3-4 months since you bought it. It is highly suggested that toothbrushes be replaced regularly to ensure that they are effective and free of bacteria. How would you know which kind of Toothpaste and Toothbrush are the right ones for you?

          Typically, most people would pick whatever is more accessible to them, aside from the cost and popularity of the product, there are factors that you should consider in choosing the best Toothbrush and Toothpaste for you. We listed some of the factors to consider:

Choosing the Right Toothpaste

          All toothpastes are made up of the same key ingredients such as fluoride and abrasives. They may differ in texture and flavors but those are just additives together with enzyme stabilizer, thickener, etc.

What is a Fluoride

           Fluoride is the most important ingredient of a Toothpaste. Aside from fighting tooth decay, it also helps in strengthening the tooth enamel or the outer layer of your teeth. It is also present in mouth rinses and also used as a cleaning agent. While most of the toothpastes contain Fluoride, it is important to check when you are about to pick a new product.

What is an Abrasive?

          Abrasives help in removing food particles in your teeth. It also helps in polishing your teeth without eroding them. The volume of abrasive present in toothpastes are generally minimal, just enough to make your teeth clean and smooth. In cases where people suffer from gum or tooth sensitivity, they may opt for a toothpaste with low to no abrasion.

          There are also some sensitive teeth toothpastes designed for sensitivity and it blocks the tubules on your teeth to provide relief and clean your teeth at the same time. For more information on what kind of toothpaste is best for you, Ask Dr. Ting.

Choosing the Right Toothbrush

          Whether your Toothbrush is manual or electric, it doesn't really matter that much, as long as it gets the job done. Some people may opt for the electric brush because the ‘timer’ feature helps them make sure they follow the 2-minute bruising routine. It also motivates children to brush their teeth because it is fun to experience how the electric brush works and as a result, they brush their teeth more regularly.

          Another consideration is the stiffness of the toothbrush bristle. Use a soft bristled toothbrush, it can clean effectively while not hurting your gums.

          No matter what kind of toothbrush you use, it is important to follow proper brushing technique. One technique is to position your toothbrush at a 45 degree angle where your tooth and gums meet, and use a rotating motion to brush the teeth. It can help in getting rid of food particles stuck between your teeth and gums. A soft toothbrush and brushing gently also helps in avoiding gum damage.

          For more about brushing techniques, dental and oral care practices, please visit and subscribe to our Youtube Channel, Ask Dr. Ting. You will find many informational videos to help with your Dental and Oral Care.

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