Post-operative care instructions

General Post-op Care Instructions

Post-operative care instructions for general surgical procedures by Dr. Miriam Ting.

It is necessary to keep your mouth clean following surgery, but take care not to aggravate the healing areas. Avoid spitting or aggressive facial gestures. Gentle toothbrushing should begin the day after surgery, please be gentle and only brush the teeth. Salt water rinses done after meals can help to keep the surgical areas clean during the healing process. Please use any recommended antimicrobial mouthwash as directed, and take any medications as prescribe.

Post-operative discomfort is normal following surgery. Especially immediately after the local anesthetic has worn off. Please take your Prescription pain medication as prescribed. 

Mild bleeding is to be expected after any surgical procedure. While bleeding typically stops within the first one to two hours, it is not unusual for some oozing to continue a little longer after surgery. Especially if the surgical procedure is more complicated, as with difficult tooth extractions or bone grafting procedures.

In case of more oozing, fold a piece of gauze into quarters and place over the surgical site. Apply firm pressure by biting on the gauze for about 30 minutes. Change the gauze as needed.

Avoid spitting or rinsing for the first 24 hours. Spitting and rinsing will disturb the blood clot and prolong the bleeding. 

If you have delicate tissue biotype, sometimes Swelling or bruising may occur and is normal. To reduce the swelling and bruising apply an ice pack to the outside of the face during the first 24 hours after surgery. Keep your head slightly elevated when awake and at night using an additional pillow if necessary. Moist heat may be applied starting on the 4th day to help resolve any swelling or brusing that has occurred.

Do not smoke for at least four days following surgery. Smoking will delay healing and increase post-operative pain.

If resorbable sutures are used it will dissolve and fall out on their own within a week. Please leave loose bits of the sutures alone, suture remnants will be removed at your post-operative appointment. 

Good nutrition is necessary for healing after surgery. A soft diet such as smoothies, mashed potatoes and soup is ideal initially. Avoid hard crunchy foods that could get stuck in the surgical sites such as popcorn or chips. Slowly re-introduce harder food. Avoid drinking through a straw or blowing balloons as this can disrupt the healing site.

Beware the temperature of hot foods,  the blood supply to your gums is not fully established and may not redistribute the heat effectively, and your gums may get burnt.

Everyone recovers from a procedure at a different rate, limit strenuous activity for the first few days. Slowly reintroduce exercise to your routine. Vigorous exercise should be avoided for first few days after surgery.

Most patients report mild discomfort and minimal pain. We hope that you will experience the same quick recovery at Think Oral Implants and Periodontics. If you have any questions regarding your post-surgical care. Please reach out to us at 610-550-3333 or by text at 610 6018848.

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